Saturday, June 23, 2018

Family Crisis

Sometimes Chaos happens, it does, there is no way to escape the fact that we all have chaos in our lives at one point or another. Whether or not the chaos is a result of our own choices, or the actions of others, we all have chaos in life. However there are different ways of dealing with that Chaos that makes or breaks the way we feel about things.
Cognitive thinking is everything in dramatic situations. After an event takes place we think about it, analyze it, how we analyze it is how we remember it. Thinking about things over and over again makes things become more real to us and we relive that scenario again and again. How do you think that would harm us if we are rethinking of the bad things that have happened in our lives over and over again. In different situations we have an initial reaction, then as things progress we lose that initial reaction and we are left with our thoughts. Those thoughts can be everything as we continue on with our lives the way we remember certain situations changes how we see certain things. That also changes how we act. When a family experiences something together they also tend to think about the situation the same. because we feed off of what those closest to us say and think, We persuade each other to what we believe individually.
In times of Crisis everyone has resources, how we use those resources can help or not help the situation. For example there are two families in which both of the fathers lose their job. Family A turns to their extended family, dad goes looking for a job, decides to go back to school to receive a better degree and they continue on working and hoping for the best. Family B turns inward they tell n one about the situation thinking that they can help themselves, they do not reach out to extended family, or other unemployment agency's, the father and mother don't agree on who should go back to work so neither of them do and then they are left with bankruptcy and poverty.Which of the families do you think had better coping skills, and was able to learn from the experience. I beg you to believe that Family A had better copings skills that will lead to a happier family life in the home. There is something else in Family B's situation that i would like to point out. Is that they experienced something that Family therapist call a pile up. A pile up is when one situation blocks the flow of things and everything else begins to stop, or everything just decides to show up. However with that said, a pile up can be a good thing. Think of it as a river and a tree falls into the stream but gets stuck horizontally well things begin to pile up right there in that spot, after some time algae forms, at that point in time the tree is now a good thing because it is purifying the water from upstream as it flows through the pile up, it then continues on downstream cleaner and purer. Sometimes we have things put into our lives that by the end have made us cleaner and purer human beings. Throughout every trial or situation we need to remember that love can conquer all if we show that love through support and encouragement then we are better able to listen and understand others and understand what they are going through. One of the most important things we need to remember is that as we move forward with our lives dwelling on situations will not make them go away it will make them a more prominent problem, dwelling on things that we wished we had done or hoping that we handled things differently only leads us to a state of depression because we cannot change the past, the best thing to do is move forward. To go and live without entertaining the thoughts of the past we are able to move towards the things of life that make us happy. Being with family, and fully loving those around us gives us freedom. Freedom has been fought for, ever since the beginning of time, so why would we not fight for freedom for our souls.

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