Friday, June 15, 2018

The Birds and the Bees

Marriage is a beautiful thing when treated properly and there are so many delicate things that happen when taken into serious consideration. Marriage is the ideal setting and situation to be intimate with your partner. you have found someone who makes you happy and you are compatible together and love each other so much that you want to share all of your experiences with that person. And you know they feel the same about you. Something that I have observed as important is nonsexual touch after marriage, holding hands during a concert, or a small kiss after a family prayer. Touches like that are almost if not as important as sexual intercourse with your spouse, these small touches tell the person that you care about them and their well being even in the midst of social settings. It proves that you are in love with them for who they are and not just for the physical aspect of it.
Men and women are different, I don't think there are many people who would disagree with that, but there are differences in sexual activity as well, and one of the most important things about these differences is to one understand that there are differences and then to communicate. Those two tips right there may save you a lot of trouble in your relationship. There are four stages or response, 1. Arousal 2. Plateau 3. Climax (orgasm) 4. Resolution both men and women have these responses, but there is a difference in times and patterns, a male may have a very fast arousal, and short plateau and then reach climax all before a female has fully reached a plateau. Since these differences are so prevalent communication is key when making sure that your partner is comfortable. Researchers have found another difference in men and women. Women need to feel safe and connected to the person before they are willing to participate in sexual activity, then a Male usually feels more connected and safe when they have had the sexual experiences, do you see the possibilities of connection in that situation? That is why communication is key, talk with your partner the things that they liked and things that they didn't like, what makes them comfortable or uncomfortable, and then be willing to adjust to their wishes but also communicate your feelings of the experience.
Even thought there are the possible challenges such as Rejection, or feeling used, intimacy could be used as a manipulation tool, and assumptions can be made, we need to remember that this is also an opportunity for many blessings as well such as communication, a chance to learn to respect each other on a new level, you learn together and you learn to cooperate. The biggest thing that we need to remember for our partners is that it is a learning experience and that when you council together there is a higher chance of being strongly connected.
Another topic that i want to discuss is that of our children, there are some states that have laws in which no matter the age when if a female child is to have sex with someone then they are automatically counted as an adult. Which would mean that they could then have an abortion, with parents consent. That is so scary to me that there are young girls out there who are not being treated the way that they should. So something that i think would help advocate change that is to teach our children about their bodies, but to teach them that they are a special thing and as such we need to respect ourselves and the others around us. We need to be active in our children's sexual education in order to help them realize their full potential to be the best husband or wife possible.

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