Friday, May 18, 2018

Social Class and Cultural Diversity

Does the Untied States have an class system? What do you think? I wish we could say that we have put the class system behind us and that we think of each others as equal sharing and remembering that we all have beauty within us, but sadly I don't think that I can say that about the world yet. It seems that we get stuck on a scale, we either have nothing, or we have a substantial amount of objects. We know that there is stress that comes with having nothing because you have lots of work to get done, and you are trying to provide. Depending on the situation there is usually stress involved with trying to make sure that everything is getting taken care of. May I propose that there is also stress involved with having everything you want at your finger tips. We as humans seem to always want more and don't seem to know when is enough. Now what do we base our social economic status on, there are a few thing that seems to be the first things that we notice about people their career may influence the way we see people, their academic achievement whether they graduated from high school then continued on to college, and what degree they received in college, appearance how people look the way the do their hair and the way they dress, behaviors how people act around others, locations where we meet people and the situations we meet them in will influence the way we picture them. I do feel the need to say that we need to remember that we never fully know the full story.
In some situations there is a parent missing, both on the higher class end, and the lower end class. the different situations have different affects, i would like to discuss the situation that there would be no father in the home. When there is no father in the home, the sons of that family no longer have an example of what a father is, they have an example of what not to be. When the father is missing the mother takes the responsibilities of providing, and protecting. She is also still trying to continue teaching and fulfilling the different roles of mother.
In the situation of the wealthy there are challenges involved as well, An issue that they may run into is the problem of not being able to spend the same amount of time with their family that middle class people usually get to spend together. With the time problem there could be different things that the family unit misses out on, when time is not managed the then families may miss out on things such as learning from their parents, being together, teaching moments and more. Something that i have been taught in the past is even though it would be nice to have everything bought for you and given as a gift we grow closer because we struggle which forces us to work together and there is no shame in struggling. We want to work at building a strong family unit and struggling together is one of the best ways to grow closer together. You learn by example, and being able to find emotion behind experiences is going to help you realize that the way others see experiences is different. You may see it one way and they see a completely different side of the story and when discussed can lead to many insights that you may not have ever found. I would like to leave with some food for thought, I have been told, that on of the worst thing you could do for your children is spoil them.

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