Saturday, December 1, 2018

Should I keep trying to work it out: The crossroads of divorce ( Chapter 8)

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I will not deny it, but I am going to rely on the book a lot for this next one! Divorce is something that can hurt a lot of lives, first I am going to tell you my experiences with divorce and then I will go more into detail about what the book says. Luckily my parents have not been divorce nor have they ever threatened it, which has been a great example for me to look up to, however I have seen relatives and close friends have divorces, those are hard. To you as someone who is watching from the outside it seems like the solution is an easy fix but to those who are in the middle of it, it is far from simple. I have an Uncle and Aunt who recently divorced, I wont share what caused the divorce because that is private to them, but what I do know is that it caused a lot of pain, a lot pf pain for my aunt, and my Uncle, both sets of their parents, their siblings, even us nieces and nephews felt the difference, but I think that the people it hurt the most were their daughters. They have two little girls, one is 14 the other is 9. They have become very distant from the family, things are more emotional for them. However, the biggest thing that I have noticed is that these girls are confused. Now I hope that they understand as they get older that they can find happiness in one person and that they can always trust in the lord, but for now as a family our biggest responsibility is to help them, love them and show them that we care for them deeply, both of their parents still love them too for sure, it;s just a little different for them now. I Pray for those who have had to go through a divorce or are going through a divorce in any way shape or form, the only advice that I can give is to hold on to the testimony that you hold and hold on to the savior.  Continuing the spiritual side of things, this is what the book Successful Marriages and Families says in their chapter of divorce "That God intended from the beginning for us to cleave to our spouse and not separate is evident in Adam’s response to God’s inquiry of whether he had partaken of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil: “The woman thou gavest me, and commandest that she should remain with me, she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat” (Moses 4:18). In the celestial law of marriage, God has commanded us to remain together and keep our marriages strong, even when that means we must partake of some of the bitter fruits of life together." I love the end of that we must partake of the bitter fruits of life together. Something we promise when we get married is to love and cherish each others for time and all eternity, to have and to hold through times of health, but also times of sickness. If we are married, then let us try, try to communicate better, try to love more deeply, try to be open, try to experience joy with each other! Remember the way you felt on your wedding day, try to get that back. I know that it may be harder said then done and there are some experiences where nothing can be done, in those cases the lord will be by your side, pray and always remember the blessings of the atonement! 

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