Friday, May 25, 2018

Boy or Girl

The topic that I have for you today is a heavy one, it is one that is prominent in our society today, and is something that I want to make sure to approach with sensitivity and care. The topic that has been a challenge even for the youth of the world, is that of gender. What is it that makes this topic extremely controversial, it is that we as a society have twisted gender into something that is an option and then those who do not feel that they fit in with the group that they have been placed in at birth decide that they need to try and be something else. I wonder why it is that we sometimes that we don't fit in with our own genders. Try something with me for a moment, think back to when you were in elementary school, did you ever here the phrases, sissy, wuss, femmie, these are common phrases that young men could get called if maybe they enjoyed things that typically girls enjoy. they are made fun of for the hobbies that they find joy in. The thing with that is, do we understand at that age that those things are hurtful to say to someone else, or do know what is happening in that persons home life. I beg to say that we do not. We don't understand the different factors that anyone has playing into the that they act, speak, or dress. That is why it is so important for us to be kind, but that it is even more important that we teach the future generation what kindness is and how it looks. Sorry there was my little soap box tonight. I want to explain that there is more to this idea than just opinion, the research that has gone into this subject is fascinating. When researchers start looking into this they examined they would ask those who identify as gay when they realized they were "gay" and a majority of them would fall ages 4-8 is when they realized that they were gay. Another interesting thing that they found was that a lot of the men discussed having a want for acceptance from the male gender, because they had hobbies like cooking, or playing house. They wanted to feel love and acceptance from the male gender but a majority of them were not able to find that acceptance at a young age.

There is thing called gender dysphoria, and this is where our view of gender is twisted into something that it is not, When looking into the numbers of those people who successfully transition into a different gender, they are more incline to commit suicide. Why would that be, well looking at those with gender dysphoria 98% overcome it by the age of 18, but if they have successfully transitioned into the other gender then they are stuck in the same situation as before where they are stuck in the wrong gender's body. How confused would that make them. I honestly don't think they would have the easiest time figuring out who they are. Then what happens when you go to get married, how do you explain to your significant other that you are not the gender that you say you are, that would be an interesting conversation to sit in on. With all that has been said here there is never a situation that is the exact same as the last, and there will always be something that is unique to others situations, so i think that it important that we remember that even though we ma have different views, remember that there is something in this world that is bigger than us and that we need to just be our best selves. 

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