Saturday, December 1, 2018

Honoring Marital Vows with complete fidelity (Chapter 6)

Today I would like to touch on the importance of remaining sexually pure before marriage and then after marriage keeping the fidelity alive within your marriage and avoiding the dangerous trap of infidelity. In the Family Proclamation to the world our prophets and apostles have counseled us to keep the sacred powers of procreation between man and woman married. In the Family proclamation it states, "God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between a man and a woman lawfully wedded as husband and wife." It is a commandment from god to keep ourselves pure before marriage and then remain faithful and true in marriage. Elder Neal L. Maxwell said that "The 7th commandment of God is the one least heeded but the one that is most needed."I would like to switch gears here and go into infidelity, we have made it through the teenage years and into the marriage part of everything, but now that you are here in marriage, the next thing to avoid being unfaithful. In the book Successful Marriages and Families the author of the chapter Honoring Marital Vows with complete Fidelity they discuss a different way of being unfaithful, it is called emotional infidelity. He describes this as an "emotional affair with someone who has no knowledge about what is taking place, or with someone who is anonymous (such as a person in a chat room) or will likely never be encountered in person (such as a celebrity), or all three. This type of infidelity involves fantasizing romantically about someone other than a spouse. When we let ourselves imagine what life would be like with another person, we are not being fully faith-ful to our spouse." One of the ways that my husband and try to keep ourselves emotionally faithful to each other, is we talk to each other about our thoughts and feelings throughout the day. Especially if there are parts that included other genders and or sexual references. I am incredibly grateful
to have a husband who is willing to be so honest with me and share things like that with me. If there is something that is not fully working properly in your marriage i would encourage you to go to your father in heaven in prayer then continue forward with faith then let the lord bless your life with the changes you make. Remember that heavenly father loves his children and that he would love to see you be happy!

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