Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Faith in Family Life ( Chapter 18 )

"Readers should be aware that it is difficult, perhaps impossible, for social science to “prove” that faith “causes” stronger marriages or other family outcomes. It is reasonable to conclude, for example, that persons in a healthy marriage are more likely to want to attend church together than a couple who are facing divorce. So, does faith influence family or does family influence faith? The answer is almost certainly both—but in terms of social science, the best we can usually do is to discover and examine correlations, or relationships, between ideas, such as faith and the quality of family life." This is from the text book Successful marriages and families. This chapter of their book is about how having faith in a family setting makes it so that we become stronger family units that have a greater understanding of who we are and what our purpose is here on this earth. I believe that as we teach children to have faith and we teach them how to pray and to follow things like the commandments and council from religious leaders that we install a set of ethics in the child that they will live with for their entire life. As we do so we are able to raise up the next generation with confidence that they are going to work hard at making the world a better place. I am grateful for both my parents and my husbands parents for the examples that they have shown us and that they have given us the different tools to be raised in faith. They have instilled in us a love for the gospel or more simply put a love of life. We want to be the best that we can be and part of that motivation and desire comes from our faith in the lord Jesus Christ and in our eternal Heavenly Father. Our parents taught us that we can do all things through Christ and that if we follow his teachings then we will be a great light in the world.

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