Saturday, July 7, 2018

Father's and Finances

We all have a father, whether that father is present in our lives or not we have a father. The worlds view of the world is that fathers are not necessary. The Media portrays them as idiots who don't know what is going on in his family life and his only responsibility is to make money and bring home the bacon. I beg the Question, what does father mean to you. Each individual has a different relationship with our father. Whether it be with your earthly father or your heavenly father.Our fathers have a strong influence on us as their children they provide and preside over the regular day to day things which makes them wonderful. One of the ways media twists that fathers are not important is that they feed to the fathers that they aren't important, well if you are a father than i want you to realize how important you are to your wife and your kids, or to your future wife and future children. Both sons and daughters learn something different from their fathers. For example sons learn what a man looks like, how he should treat other people but especially how he should treat women, he also learns hard work and dedication through the father. A daughter is taught by her father how she should be treated and what types of things make a boy a man, she will also be able to see what qualities she wants to have in a future husband. I think it is important in LDS communities to have fathers in the hoe because for both sons and daughters you get to see what a worthy priesthood holder looks like. Now that may not always be the case but if we as parents live the life style and the way we want our children to be then we need to understand that children are always watching our examples.
How did our world get like this, telling fathers that they are not important to their own families? Let's look back in time to the time of the industrial revolution. Before this revolution families spent their entire day working together. Work and family time were not a separate thing they were intertwined into one thing. You naturally were working to sustain and stay a live but by doing so you were always with your family. The industrial revolution changed the meaning of family. It made it so that work life and family time became a separate thing. Jobs became more divided and fathers began working 60 or more hours each week. Now i ask what happens to the mother and children of that family while their father is gone? They now have to fill in where he was before. As they fill his shoes, the father begins to almost feel that he is getting kicked out of his family because it seems that they don't really need him there. They however truly need him. With out the father the example, discipline and a different kind of love is no longer there. The money that the father brings in starts to have a different meaning as well, he starts worrying about how much he is bringing in instead of how much they need to support their needs.
I add my own testimony to this, if the father is in the home teaching and duding along with the mother as a team the family begins to function and grow into that of a beautiful family. Each family member needs to feel as if their role is important, so that they contribute to the things that make family, family. If we continue to live life the way our father in heaven designed it to be we will be able to continue through life happily.

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