Friday, December 6, 2019

Power of relationships in Family (Lesson 12)

I recently read an article by Richard Miller called Who is the boss? Power of Relationships in Families. I love that the first two bold points that are made are that parents are the heads of the family and they are in charge, and then the second point is that parents must be united in their leadership. I completely agree that with both of those points, Parents need to lead and guide their families in love and righteousness, because that is where children learn and become who they are. We teach them the gospel of Jesus Christ, what is right and what is wrong, we are also their first and biggest influence. I think that it is extremely important that we as parent’s understand that we are a team? When we understand that, the family runs a little bit smoother. I also like that in the article they quote President Spencer W. Kimball says “Parents… should love and respect each other, and treat each other with respectful decorum and kindly regard, all the time. The husband should treat his wife with the utmost courtesy and respect. The husband should never insult her; he should never speak slightly of her, but should always hold her in the highest esteem in the home, in the presence of their children… The wife, also, should treat the husband with the greatest respect and courtesy. Her words to him should not be keen and cutting and sarcastic. She should not pass slurs or insinuations at him… Then it will be easy for the parents to instill into the hearts of their children not only love for their fathers and their mothers, not only respect and courtesy towards their parents, but love and courtesy and deference between the children at home,” I think that those words are straightforward, maybe a little blunt. However, I think that this way if the golden rule! If you respect someone then they will respect you back, and in marriage that is key! Respecting each other allows for so much growth. I am grateful for the words in the article and know that in marriage it is a combine effort, and that we both need to give 100%, respect each other, forgive each other, and above all love deeply.

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