Friday, September 27, 2019

How to keep the honeymoon stage alive just a little bit longer (lesson 2)

The world is constantly changing around us. We are stuck in the middle of a society that is constantly evolving, coming out with the next best thing, and running to the next item on the check list. With this default lifestyle we often forget the things around us that matter the most to us. For example, our family. Now it is almost impossible to fully forget about your family because that is who and where you come from. However, with our busy schedules and fast paced style isn’t it incredibly easy to put our family on the back burner. Justify spending our time with little excuses like “they will always be there,” or “I just need to finish this before I play for the day.” What happens though when we lose that moment? Can we gain it back? It’s sad to think about how many opportunities we pass up with our family members because they are always around, they can wait. I want to talk today about something that should never be put on that back burner and that is our marriages. When a marriage gets put there it can easily end up burnt, as in divorce. Divorce is something that is all too common in the United states today. It affects almost every family in America.
            What can we do? When I was first married it seemed like things would never be hard, we would be able to with stand anything because we were just so in love. Well, let me tell you! That did not last forever, in fact I don’t think it even lasted a month. We had arguments and disagreements almost daily, but we both decided that was not how we wanted to live in our marriage so we decided to try some new things to help us out.
1.    Spend 10 mins of technology free time with each other. We picked a spot where we would sit together and simply talk, we are allowed to talk about anything except disagreements or arguments.
2.    Get ready for bed together. Something that I always had pictured I would do with my husband was get ready for bed with him and then talk about our day as we fell asleep, but for my husband that was never something he thought would happen. This one took us time to get into but has been where some of our silliest and happiest moments have been.
3.    Date! Going on dates, it reminds us what started it all in the first place. If I could recommend anything it would be to go on a variety of dates, try to do new things. Also, with this it is smart to have a set date night, and then to guard that date night with your life.
4.    Say prayer together morning and night. We are still working on this because sometimes we wake up at different times and our schedules do not always align but I have noticed when we are more consistent in our prayers together our lives are smoother, and we have a smoother relationship.
5.    Study the Scriptures together. This is another thing that we are working on making a habit. It surprises me how hard doing the simple spiritually things can be but when we encourage and do them together, they are so much easier and we have a lot more love in our hearts, for each other and for others.
These are just some simple things that have helped me and husband personally, hopefully something simple like this will be able help you strengthen your marriage for when tough times come up. Marriage is not always easy and divorce is something that has become a large part of many Americans lives. These are ideas and ways that my husband and I have decided together to try and prevent divorce from entering our marriage, I hope this helps you in one way or another.

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